Foto Parade I: The Great And Not-So Secret Show

"There is nothing wrong with spending a night in jail if it means getting the shot you need." - Werner Herzog

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 It has occurred to me that in my posts here on 'Dispatches' I only occasionally share with my loyal readers my photography in small doses. Which is a bit of a crime, as there are so many interesting this to see here. Not that I am some fantastic shutterbug, I'm mediocre at best, but I never the less have always greatly enjoyed it as a hobby. One could always tell how desperate I am in life if I start selling my cameras, with my primary rig being the last to go.

Letting go of my favorite camera has always been just a little bit like chewing off a limb to escape a trap. Sure, it works, but it leaves one slightly on the crippled side. Not that my loss of cameras in times of extreme financial desperation compares in any meaningful way to someone actually becoming disabled due to an accident, its just to illustrate how hard it is for me to part with a good camera once I have bonded with it.

Sadly none of the photos you are about to see were taken with my primary Canon. They were all shot with the shockingly decent camera on my smart phone. The Galaxy S5, an older phone at this point, has a fantastic on-board camera if you treat it right. The reason my Canon wasn't used isn't due to fear of crime in my strange little corner of Mexico, but rather because they were 'targets of opportunity'. Some of them I plan to go back with my proper rig to get some good shots. 

In the meanwhile enjoy this pleasant little parade of photographs. If people like it, I'll do another. The next one will be all photos shot on my snazzy Canon rig, which means the Patreon supporters get to enjoy them first. One of the perks of actually subscribing to this strange little travelogue, and now, on with the show!

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 [[Still from the film 'Desperadial'. aka 'Rubber II', bu the studio wanted a bigger star in the lead and a snappier name.]]

 [[Another scene from 'Desperadial' as 'El Tire' prepares to battle two trucks sent as cartel enforcers.]]

 [[Abandoned house that is never, ever used to sell cocaine. Just so everyone is clear on that important point.]]

 [[In my life two things have always stood out as my favorite photographic subjects; abandoned buildings and gorgeous women. Don't know why, don't care. I like what I like.]]

 [[Once, this must have been a gorgeous house.]]

 [[If I brought Tessa here after dark and attached a Go-Pro with thermal optics it would a remake of 'Predator' from the aliens perspective.]]

 [[The star of  'Desperadial' between takes, waiting for the bathroom like everyone else.]]

 [[That broom has its work cut out for it...]]

 [[A view through a hole in whats left of the roof.]]

 [[Another view of whats left of the roof.]]

 [['The Space Between Abandoned Buildings' a new, tragic series of young adult books that is sure to get a 3 picture deal at Sony any day now.]]

 [[More evidence that once, long ago, this building could keep you dry on rainy days.]]

 [["Have a seat, take a load off, tell me whats on your mind? How are things with your fam... oh, right, you want cocaine. Of course."

 [[Awesome old building in my little corner of Nuevo Progreso.]]

[[Everyones favorite vending machine, the drinking water kiosk. Its stupid cheap, too.]]

 [[A nearly deserted street, a church that is only open after dark, and the worlds most aggressive pot hole.]]

 [[My apartment is at the end of this block, if you wave I won't see you, because you are waving at your computer screen, and I'm in Mexico drinking myself to sleep.]]

[[I forget why I took this photo, but here it is anyway. Enjoy!]]

[[Statues of the blessed virgin, St. Francis, flamingos, and Pancho Villa. Mexico is a strange place I have grown to love.]]

[[BONUS PHOTO! Hey friends from Morgantown, look what I found on Av Benita Juarez, the main street through Nuevo Progreso! They belong to Seniorel, one of the two strip clubs I profiled in an earlier article. I just found it amusing to come all this way to find such a striking reminder of time wasted in High School. Tabby, remember that time I used quick-dry epoxy to stick a few quarters to the top of the Dominion Post machine and we sat drinking water and soda for hours watching people try, and fail, to get a free newspaper? Now their freezers hold extra beer for a strip club in Mexico. As far as afterlives go, there are worse ones I can think of.]]

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This post and its original content copyright James Radcliff, and has been brought to you by Mexico, tequila, and generally poor decision making. If you would like to donate to support this bizarre little travelogue, feel free to do so via Patreon or PayPal. As always, this strange and debaucherous adventure has been brought to your screen by viewers like you. Thank you.


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