
Showing posts from February, 2019

The Inconveinience of Being Proud of My Native Heritage

“Our nation was born in genocide when it embraced the doctrine that the original American, the Indian, was an inferior race. Even before there were large numbers of Negroes on our shore, the scar of racial hatred had already disfigured colonial society. From the sixteenth century forward, blood flowed in battles over racial supremacy. We are perhaps the only nation which tried as a matter of national policy to wipe out its indigenous population. Moreover, we elevated that tragic experience into a noble crusade. Indeed, even today we have not permitted ourselves to reject or feel remorse for this shameful episode. Our literature, our films, our drama, our folklore all exalt it. Our children are still taught to respect the violence which reduced a red-skinned people of an earlier culture into a few fragmented groups herded into impoverished reservations.” ― Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  + + + [This post is reprinted and somewhat altered from its original version on my private ...

The Return!

Just a short, simple notice to the dozens of readers who keep up with my ramblings that I might have some time soon to start working on this project again. It tuns out writing a novel and getting it published is hard work. Who would have thought that? Anyways, look for more content from 'Dispatches' in the not too distant future, despite working on a sequel to the novel. As well as a collection of shot stories which involve collaboration with a bunch of fine artists... damn, I really do hate boredom it would seem... The novel can be found at the link below, and for the next 3 days (from 8am or pm until 8am or pm on the 2nd of February) will be $0.99. Slightly less than a dollar. Hopefully many of you will look at that and say "I'd buy THAT for a dollar!"