The Subcontractors: The Liberian Incident

The reason I have been neglecting 'Dispatches' is I have been hard at work finishing my first full length fiction novel. Well, its done, and will be an Amazon Kindle exclusive! Digitally, anyway, there will be paperback copies as well in short order.

Here, I'll just repost from my Facebook account to fill my tens of readers here on the details.

As an aside, this means more 'Dispatches' coming your way soon. Be warned.

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The novel is getting published! It will be an Amazon Kindle exclusive initially. The price for the digital copy is $3.99 USD, and that includes the amazing cover art that Sarah Botta contributed to the effort. While I'm thanking contributors I want to thank Ken Pittaway for his tireless efforts as my editor. I honestly don't think this would have happened without his persistent encouragement and editorial efforts.

The other big news is THERE WILL BE MOTHER FUCKING PAPERBACKS! It takes longer to get that set up but I am in the process as I write this. Not sure what the initial print run will be, might be a print on demand thing, but I'll do all I can to keep the price low and reasonable. As a bonus if you buy a paperback you get a coupon for a digital copy for your Kindle for $0.99 USD.
My first full length novel goes on sale on the Amazon store in 3 days. Holy shit. I'm still in shock. Thankfully I have this bottle of decent tequila to keep me grounded.

So be on the lookout for "The Subcontractors: The Liberian Incident" (ASIN: B07KVRCN17) on your digital shelves in 3 days!

So if you don't have a Kindle reader you can always download the app to your tablet, smartphone, wristwatch, what have you and get a copy. Pretty please? It would make me ever so happy.
Also, be sure to spread the word. Spread it far, spread it wide. Like herpes, if you got it, might as well spread it around.



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