Subscription Rewards: "I remember... The Alamo."

Respect is one of life's greatest treasures I mean, what does it all add up to if you don't have that? - Marilyn Monroe

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I cannot offer you self respect, but I can offer weird shit from Mexico. A few subscribers and a few friends who are also subscribers, or have assisted in this endevour in other ways, I feel are far too underappreciated.

Seeing as Tess and I are living meager paycheck to meager paycheck down here while exploring, photographing, and writing about this marvelous country it dawned on me that those who have held out their hands, and wallets, to our Patreon and PayPal.Me accounts are not as appreciated as I would like them to be.

So, with what little extra cash Tess and I have managed to scrape together over the last few weeks we have assembled the 'Mexican Box of Mystery'!

[[Behold its mysterious mystery!]]

What could be inside? Well, that is part of the mystery. There are many things for may different people. Some friends I was able to easily buy for, since I know them and what they like. Other friends were not so easy to buy for, especially when you attempt to give them a collection of cherished books on a subject you both love, for free while, while clearing out your apartment only to be told in so many words "Why would I want that shit? We don't need any more shit at the house.". This came as somethng of a shock, and I found myself in a rare emotional state 'Genuinely offended'. The person to whom I refer was having a shit day and wasn't at his best, all is forgiven, but not forgotten, which made buying for him extra difficult (seriously man, no grudge is held, if there was a grudge then you wouldn't have one of the more extravagant packages... OF MYSTERY waiting for you in the box).

Not everything in the Box of Mysterious Mystery is just for friends. Some of the items included are for subscribers to 'Dispatches From The Mayan Empire' through Patreon.

In no way are gifts and such offered as rewards for subscribing to 'Dispatches' in that manner, but I like to keep people on their toes. Keep things lively. Partly because I simply don't have the time and resources to do something like this on any kind of regular basis. One minute you are studying organic chemistry in your boxer shorts, there is a ring at the front door, its the UPS man, you open the door, accept the package and before you know it you organic chemistry paper got a lot more interesting thanks to the 6ft bong in the shape of a Mayan temple plastered with photos of Mexican strippers you just received randomly for being a subscriber to 'Dispatches'.

Its taken me a good long while to assemble the contents of the box, on account of the poverty, and writing two major projects and a host of side gigs all at once. At long last however, the Pittsburgh box is ready for the drive to Rio Bravo and the proper post office to be found there.

After the Pittsburgh 'Mexican Box of Mystery' there will be a sequel of sorts, a Morgantown edition of the 'Mexican Box of Mystery'. Thus will concluide the "clumps" of my friends, famiily, and subscribers. There will be a few boxes after that, but none as big and no doubt going to their proper location right off.

 [[Not the same photo I assure you.]]

The Pittsburgh Box will be sent to the care of my friend and attorney (yes, I can use those words in the same sentence honestly) who will oversee that the contents are delivered safely to their recipients. 

The [primary recipient of the Morgantown box has yet to be determined but will no doubt be a calm and.... sober individual.

After the Morgantown box is sent off then its individual boxes mailed to friends of mine and subscribers who refuse to live close to others. Those jerks.

Remember, its not about just heading up to the bazaars and haggling, its about finding the right gift for the right person, then haggling. I had a woman who runs one of the countless jewelry stalls near the pharmacy I usually go to, for, um, pharmacy related things give me a big hello and hug. Not unusual, people down here are friendly, especially if you know you in any way. Anyways I was there for her this time. I was looking for a bit of home decor for a friend for 'The Box', a bit of womens jewellery for the same reason, and a ring for myself I had my eye on.

This must seem weird to those who know me, as I have never been a jewelry wearing kind of guy. But it spoke to me you might say, it fit perfectly, and honestly with its solid silver appearance looked pretty bad ass on my hand. Of course its not solid silver, its stainless steel, but she assures the tourists its solid silver and most believe her. She has  a very sweet, earnest quality to her that makes it very hard to contradict her or even effectively haggle.

Once she realized I was there shopping for myself and friends she immediately switched gears from kindly old lady who always says hello to brutal negotiator. I know her stuff is stainless steel, she and I have joked about that before, but there she was assuring me as if I were any other tourist buyer and not a semi-local that ring, that one in particular that I was interested in, that was the sole mens ring in her collection that was 100% silver and for $50 USD, a steal, she was losing money on the transaction, she assured me that I was picking her pocket on the deal. 

No deal was made that day. I saw her again today, friendly as ever. Business is business and your personal life is a separate entity, and she clearly believes in the separation of church and state. I'd lay odds that she has a nice house, but when the grand kids some for the weekend they either bring their own towels or are forced to rent grandma's. If you are one of her favorite grandchildren she'll give you a good deal on the big fluffy ones, at the introductory price.

[[Does the mystery now entice you... yes... yes... you and enticed by the Mexican Mystery Box... You must have one of your own...]]

It is unlikely that anyone will find out the contents of the Mexican Mystery Box. I'm sure a few friends will post their haul on FB but the whole thing will be too scattershot to make a proper article out of it. I guess if you are really curious, you can always subscribe to 'Dispatches From The Mayan Empire' and possibly get in yourself on a future edition of the 'Mexican Mystery Box'. As judging by the popularity of this strange little thank you already, I will probably be doing it again. Give the people what they want, and if they want strange, mysterious boxes of random stuff from Mexico than so be it. Who am I to argue?

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This post and its original content copyright James Radcliff, and has been brought to you by Mexico, tequila, and generally poor decision making. If you would like to donate to support this bizarre little travelogue, feel free to do so via Patreon or PayPal. As always, this strange and debaucherous adventure has been brought to your screen by viewers like you. Thank you.
Respect is one of life's greatest treasures. I mean, what does it all add up to if you don't have that? Marilyn Monroe
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The most luxurious possession, the richest treasure anybody has, is his personal dignity. Jackie Robinson
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The most luxurious possession, the richest treasure anybody has, is his personal dignity.
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The most luxurious possession, the richest treasure anybody has, is his personal dignity.
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